喜宴天下 |
喜宴天下 XIYAN TIANXIA 喜宴天下彩玫瑰里一站式婚礼堂是四川地区首家真正意义上的一站式婚礼堂,覆盖婚庆全产业链的高端化、时尚化,成为西南地区婚嫁行业新的标杆和典范。LAX承接了多功能厅、全景宴会大厅、仪式厅、豪华包间的扩声系统,开业至今,赢得消费者的一致好评。 Xiyantianxia is the first one-stop wedding hall in the true sense in Sichuan, covering the whole wedding industry chain of high-end, fashionable, has become a new benchmark and model of the wedding industry in Southwest China. LAX has been providing sound systems for multi-function halls, panoramic banquet halls, ceremony halls, and deluxe private rooms. Since its opening, LAX has won unanimous praise from consumers. |