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The 90th anniversary parade of the Chinese People's Liberation Army

2017年7月30日内蒙古朱日和训练基地举行了中国人民解放军沙场阅兵活动,庆祝中国建军90周年。锐丰科技携自主研发军工产品 LAX QS-52定向强声系统,与军中重器共同登上特色强军之路,助力中国军队强军兴军时代的最强音响彻云霄。

On July 30, 2017, the PLA battlefield parade was held at Zhurihe training base in Inner Mongolia to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese army. LAX, together with its self-developed military product LAX QS-52 directional strong sound system, has embarked on the road of building a strong military with its own characteristics, helping the Chinese military to become the strongest sound in the era of building a strong military.




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